Key Qualities of a Good and Skilled Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas including Family Lawyers, Child Custody Lawyers, and Child Support Lawyers help you navigate your divorce and reach the best resolutions for your future. Our attorneys understand the intricacies of state and federal laws, and how they apply to your specific case. We will work diligently to ensure that your legal rights are protected and you are fairly compensated for your marriage’s dissolution.

Family lawyers can assist you with a variety of issues related to divorce, such as child custody, spousal support, and division of property. They can also help you with legal issues that involve the death of a loved one or domestic violence. These attorneys can provide expert legal counsel in contested and uncontested cases, as well as mediation proceedings. They can also help you with a prenuptial agreement or a post-nuptial agreement.

Kelly Decker Law Firm serves clients in Fort Worth and the surrounding areas. Its divorce attorneys can handle both fault and no-fault divorces, as well as cases involving child custody, grandparents’ rights, and separation agreements. The firm’s team has extensive experience in negotiating fair settlements and can assist you in reaching an amicable divorce agreement. They can also represent you in a trial, if necessary.

When you have children, it is crucial to work with an experienced Fort Worth child custody attorney. A custody arrangement determines who will make important decisions for your children, as well as when and where they will live. The court will consider your and your spouse’s preferences, as well as what is in the best interests of the child. Our family lawyers can help you create a custody plan that works for your situation, including visitation schedules, holiday and weekend visits, and summer and winter breaks. We also take into account special circumstances, such as military deployments and reassignments.

Child support is a legally mandated obligation that requires the noncustodial parent to pay a set amount of money to the custodial parent each month. These payments are based on state guidelines that consider the parties’ income, as well as the cost of raising the children. Our Fort Worth child support attorneys will work with you to obtain a fair and reasonable amount.

The Family Law Center of North Texas is a full-service family law practice that offers consultations on various issues, such as alimony, custody, and property division. Its attorneys are licensed in Texas and have years of experience handling divorce cases. They can assist you in obtaining a divorce, as well as file a suit for legal separation. They can also negotiate a fair property division and help you with other legal matters, such as child support, grandparents’ rights, and restraining orders.

The Family Law Center of North Texas is ranked as a Top 100 law firm. Its founder is a former Navy pilot who has more than 50 years of combined experience. The firm has handled a number of high-profile divorce cases and has an excellent reputation for its service. It is also a Lead Counsel Verified firm, meaning that it has been independently verified and meets stringent requirements.